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Forensic Medicine


Sl. No.
Name of Faculty
IMR Number
Current Designation & date of promotion
Nature of employment
Details of service in the last 5 years
Number of lectures taken/ year
Dr. Renju Raveendran
MD Forensic Medicine
Promotion on 08.08.17
Regular/ permanent
08.08.17 to 19.07.21-Professor, Govt. MC, Kottayam
20.07.21 to till date- Professor, GTDMC, Alappuzha
Lectures: 15 hrs
Integrated sessions: 2 hrs
AETCOM: 2 hrs
interactive lectures
Seminars (for PG): 15 hrs
Dr. Krishnan B.
MD Forensic Medicine
Assistant Professor
Promotion on 12.01.07
Regular/ permanent
2007 to till date- Assistant Professor
Dr. Harish S.
MD Forensic Medicine
Assistant Professor
Regular/ permanent
18.06.2018 to till date- Assistant Professor
Dr. Anoop K. Thankappan
MD Forensic Medicine
Assistant Professor
Regular/ permanent
24.11.2018 to till date- Assistant Professor
Dr. Nithin Mathew Sam
MD Forensic Medicine
Assistant Professor
Regular/ permanent
14.10.2020 to till date- Assistant Professor


Sl. No.
Faculty Name
Publication in Vancouver referencing style
Pubmed indexed Yes/No
Dr. Renju Raveendran
1. Age determination from sternum-medicolegal update Jan-June 2017 Vol., 17, Page196-J198105958/ 09741283,2012,000421

2. A study of sternum as on indicates of sex-Indian journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology July-Dec.2016, Vol.10,No.2, page 264, DOI 10,5958/-973,2016,001080.

3. Profiles of injuries in fire cracker explosion medicolegal update, July-Dec.2016,vol.16, no.2,page 150-154, DOI,10,5958/0974 to 1283,2016,000785

4. Comparison of pattern of death during pre-lock down period in Central Kerala- An autopsy study

5. Study on Human Cranial Index with its sex difference from Central Kerala
Dr. Krishnan B.
1. A Cross sectional study of eruption pattern of teeth in 10-12 year old children: journal of medical and dental sciences, vol-4/issue 42/may 2015/page7381-7386

2. A morphological study of cerebral contusion; journal of evolution of medical and dental sciences; voi.4/ issue 83/15 October 2015

3. Comparison of learning outcomes in problem based learning and lecture based learning in teaching forensic Medicine Vol.6/ issue 02/Jan. 2017 page 89-92

4. Autopsy study of Organ weights in a Tertiary care centre in Kerala
Dr. Harish S.
Cardiac changes seen in hanging victims who survived for varying periods before death- An autopsy based study: journal of medico legal update 17(1):137, June 2017, DOI 10,5958/0974-1283.2017 00031.7
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